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List Analysis for B. bubalis RefSeq All Genes (33348 Genes)

Date Created: 1690232899397

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Click to select widgets you would like to display:

  1. Gene Ontology Enrichment
  2. Publication Enrichment
  3. Pathway Enrichment

Important Notes for Enrichment Widgets to avoid false positives:

1. If your gene list contains genes from more than one gene set, it is critical that you create new lists for each specific gene set and then redo the analyses separately by clicking the newly saved lists on your List View page. You can filter the table above for a particular gene set using the histogram icon above the Gene Source column in the table above. Then "Save as List".
2. After you save the new list, you need to click on the list name (either shown at the top of this page or in your List View page), in order for the enrichments to be recalculated.
3. You should change the background population from the default to one of the available gene sets or your own background gene list.

The template queries below have been executed for this list.

Alias and DBxref

Gene --> Cross References



Transcripts --> Protein


Gene --> Interacting genes


Gene --> Homologues for report page

