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About FAANGMine v1.3

FAANGMine v1.3 (Release-Updates) integrates reference genome assemblies of bovine, goat, horse, pig, sheep, chicken, cat, dog and water buffalo with many other biological data sets, including functional annotation data generated by the FAANG Consortium. See the Data Source page for the complete list of data sets and assembly versions. Model organism data (human, mouse, rat) allow well-curated data sets to be applied using orthology.

Gene expression values (FPKM and TPM) were computed using RNAseq from gene atlas expression and FAANG (Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes) datasets. The Data Source page lists expression datasets available for each species.

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This template category is for data and metadata generated by the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes (FAANG) Consortium. FAANG data includes RNA-seq based gene expression levels; ChIP-seq based histone modification marks and CTCF binding sites, ATAC-seq based open chromatin regions, DNaseI hypersensitive sites, topologically associated domains, A/B compartments and chromatin states. Sequence ontology terms used are "histone_binding_site" for histone modifications, "biological_region" for A/B compartments, "regulatory_region" for chromatin states, "CTCF_binding_site", "open_chromatin_region", "DNaseI_hypersensitive_site" and "topologically_associated_domain". See the Data Source or Regions Search page for data types available for each species.

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Homologue datasets include Ensembl Compara and OrthoDB. Ensembl Compara comprises of pairwise relationships with the types "ortholog_one2one", "ortholog_one2many" and "ortholog_many2many". OrthoDB provides clusters of orthologous groups, with cluster ids available as output. Each pairwise relationship in OrthoDB is of the type "orthologue" or "paralogue" (for same-species homologues). The relationships classified as orthologues include in-paralogues.

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Gene Ontology annotation is from UniProt. Pathway datasets are from KEGG and Reactome. Interaction data is from BioGRID and IntACT. See the Data Source page the data sets available for each species availability.

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Variation data includes variant and variant effects from Ensembl for B. taurus, C. hircus, E. caballus, G. gallus and S. scrofa, variants from EVA for O. aries, and QTL from AnimalQTLdb for B. taurus, C. hircus, E. caballus, G. gallus, O. aries and S. scrofa. Primary identifiers for SNP are rs IDs. Identifiers from SNP arrays are available as alias identifiers. You can convert alias IDs to rs IDs using a query template.

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These template queries enable the retrieval of database cross references ids and aliases. Cross references are provided for gene ids across different gene sets (RefSeq and Ensembl). Aliases are provided for SNP ids.

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